Preparing a Smoke Ready Action Plan for our Communities, Community Values, Vision, and Goals
6:30 PM18:30

Preparing a Smoke Ready Action Plan for our Communities, Community Values, Vision, and Goals

Learn the impacts to our health and the economy while implementing projects to minimize smoke in our lives. Hosted by: Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Okanogan River Airshed Partnership, Clean Air Methow and our Federal Partners at EPA, FEMA and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco For more information please contact or call Kris Ray at 509-978-8025.

A CLIMATE ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE WORKSHOP To Access the workshop follow this link: Workshop Information ca also be found at:

Click her for the Public Workshop Information

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11:00 AM11:00

Creating a Smoke Ready Community

What can our communities do to prepare for the upcoming smoke season?

Join us for this interactive on-line meeting to gain information about how to effectively engage with our community on what to do when there is a smoke event and how to minimize exposure. We welcome all interested partners: decision and policy makers, government representatives, business owners, and citizens. We will discuss the effects of wildfire smoke on human health and the impact it has on the communities within the Colville Reservation and Okanogan River Airshed. You will have an opportunity to provide input into upcoming plans.


Webinar Presenters Kris Ray Air Quality Program Manager Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Mike McGown Smoke Management EPA Region 10, Idaho Operations Office Nancy P. Bernard, MPH, REHS, CPSI Program Manager, School Environmental Health and Safety Indoor Air Quality Washington State Department of Health Ranil Dhammapala, PhD Atmospheric Scientist Air Quality Program, Washington Department of Ecology

Webinar Flier PDF

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11:00 AM11:00

2020 Wildfire and Smoke Season What Can We Expect and Making Healthy Choices During Smoke Events

Thursday, June 18, 2020 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (PDT) Join this Webinar From Your Computer, Tablet or Smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 Access Code: 358-688-469

Kaitlyn Kelly, Air Quality and Harmful Algal Bloom Policy Specialist with the Department of Health During wildfire smoke events, The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) provides health guidance to protect the public. Increases in the frequency and intensity have led to a greater need for statewide preparedness and guidance, communication and health messages. This talk will discuss public health decision making during smoke events, best practices, and Nic Loyd, Senior Smoke Management Specialist, with the Department of Ecology has gathered all the latest wildfire and smoke prediction for this summer and will be talking about how that will affect our communities.

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Omak Spring Cleanup
10:00 AM10:00

Omak Spring Cleanup

Event Modifications Due to COVID-19

Saturday, May 2, 2020

  The Spring Clean Up location, date and material type, has been modified.  Sunrise Disposal will be collecting your natural vegetation at your curbside.  Sunrise employees will pick up any bagged and bundled natural vegetation on Saturday, May 2, 2020.  Debris MUST be out on Friday night.  Place your bags and bundles where your trash is normally collected.  Bags are not to exceed 60 pounds and branches are not to exceed 4 foot and 8 inches in diameter.  Branches must be bundled and tied or bagged for easy handling.  What is natural vegetation? Leaves, grass clippings, weeds, branches and trimmings.  What is NOT natural vegetation and not acceptable? Fence posts, boards, plywood, Lumber, tree stumps.

  Fire Chief Bowling has not issued a burn ban but, due to COVID, the Department of Ecology requests that citizens try to avoid burning during this time.  Smoke from burning wood and plants can exacerbate those with underlying respiratory issues.  The City wants to thank you for your patience and understanding.

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8:00 AM08:00

Okanogan River Airshed Partnership Meeting

The gathering will be held at the 12 Tribes Resort Casino Conference Room starting at 8 am with coffee and pastries served. We will continue until noon at which time lunch will be provided.

Topics for Discussion:

 Woodstove projects and emissions reductions

 Partnership website

 Okanogan River Airshed smoke year

 Community composting strategies

ORAP Save the Date

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6:30 AM06:30

Omak and Okanogan Fall Cleanup Day

Omak and Okanogan have scheduled their annual Fall Cleanup for Saturday November 2nd.  This is a good opportunity for residents to clean up natural vegetation such as leave and bundles of branches.  Bagged leaves (less than 60 pounds each) and bundles should be placed curbside Friday evening, November 1, for early morning pickup by Sunrise Disposal.  Additional details can be found on the link below.

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8:00 AM08:00

Okanogan Chipping Day

The City of Okanogan and the Okanogan Conservation District will be holding the second community chipping event. Okanogan residents will need to sign up for this service by October 10 at All woody debris must be at the end of driveways or near the road before October 15th with the material less than 10 feet in length and under 6 inches diameter. This is a great way for people to reduce vegetative debris and decrease our communities smoke exposure.

View PDF of the announcement and logistics

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to Nov 30

Omak Parks Survey

Omak began the process of updating their comprehensive park plan by publishing a survey to gather information for their 105 acres of parks and recreation property. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey even if you do not live in Omak.  They are seeking direction from all users.

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