Omak Monitoring Site
Omak Monitoring Site
A permanent continuous PM2.5 monitor has be operating in East Omak sense 2010. The site is cooperatively operated by the Air Quality Program of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Washington Department of Ecology. The monitoring equipment was updated to a Federal Reference Monitor (FEM) due to the high concentration of PM2.5 record. FEMs produce the highest quality of data and is operated under a Quality Assurance Project Plan that provides methods and processes to maintain these standards.
Data from this monitor can be found on these Websites:
Fire and Smoke Map
The EPA and USFS have created this map to to include air quality data from low-cost sensors along with regulatory-grade monitors. While these sensors don’t meet the rigorous standards required for regulatory monitors, they can help you get a picture of air quality nearest you especially when wildfire smoke is in your area. This map includes the Omak FEM monitor, as well as the low-cost sensors in the area.
Please note:
- The data on the AirNow Fire and Smoke Map are intended to help individuals make decisions to protect their health.
- EPA will not use the data on this map to make regulatory decisions.
Check Air Quality Forecast
Air Quality Sensors
PurpleAir Sensor installed in Omak
Air Quality Sensors are considered low cost, easily installed technology that measures pollutants that can affect our health and environment. Low cost means $100 to $2500 with most being commercially available. Within the Okanogan River Airshed Emphasis area we have installed a network of PurpleAir sensors to help track PM2.5 concentrations. These sensors will enable us to understand the distribution, timing and concentrations of PM2.5 at the neighborhood scale during times of natural vegetation debris burning and the wood heating season.
A map of our PurpleAir network can be found:
Aeroqual 500 Ozone sensor in outdoor enclosure
Other Sensors used in our area
Aeroqual 500 Ozone Sensor operates at the Omak monitoring site during May through September. The sensors goal is to help understand the concentrations of Ozone associated with high summer temperatures and wildfire smoke.
We also have available several handheld sensors that can be used to help us understand smoke intrusion into our homes, building and businesses. These measure PM2.5, Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
To measure the amount of smoke intrusion into our homes and business several portable sensors are useful. A handheld sensor that measures PM2.5 as micrograms per cubic meter will help with comparison to outside air concentrations. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are products of combustion that may reach unhealthy levels during wildfire smoke events in building. Knowing these concentration will help determine strategies to manage homes and business to reduce smoke in them.