Event Modifications Due to COVID-19
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Spring Clean Up location, date and material type, has been modified. Sunrise Disposal will be collecting your natural vegetation at your curbside. Sunrise employees will pick up any bagged and bundled natural vegetation on Saturday, May 2, 2020. Debris MUST be out on Friday night. Place your bags and bundles where your trash is normally collected. Bags are not to exceed 60 pounds and branches are not to exceed 4 foot and 8 inches in diameter. Branches must be bundled and tied or bagged for easy handling. What is natural vegetation? Leaves, grass clippings, weeds, branches and trimmings. What is NOT natural vegetation and not acceptable? Fence posts, boards, plywood, Lumber, tree stumps.
Fire Chief Bowling has not issued a burn ban but, due to COVID, the Department of Ecology requests that citizens try to avoid burning during this time. Smoke from burning wood and plants can exacerbate those with underlying respiratory issues. The City wants to thank you for your patience and understanding.